13 Day Metabolism Diet Pdf Download

This is my opinions I am not a health care professional, I did not create this diet.

This is a 13 day CRASH DIET… I tried many of these quick fix diets over the years and here's my opinion now (MAY 2020)
If you want long term sustainable weight loss DO NOT go for a UNHEALTHY UNSUSTAINABLE CRASH DIET

I tried this diet in 2016 and I lost 3 kgs in 13 days BUT I gained it all back (and more) within a few days.

The calories consumed during a diet like this is far too low and you will negatively impact your metabolism. Ensure that you at least consume the minimum calories your body needs to function.

My advise would be to create a 500 calorie deficit for a healthy sustainable weight loss.


The 13 Day Metabolism Diet

  • Due to the strength of this diet, it is recommended that you plan it so that you do not have any big events planned during your next 13 days.
  • The best starting time is on a Sunday, which only gives you one miserable weekend. This allows you to lose min 9 Kg only if it is done strictly. From the 14th day you can start eating normally again, without putting on weight for three years because the diet has altered your metabolism.
  • WW (Wholewheat bread) – only to be eaten with A SCRAPING of butter/margarine – nothing else.
  • Please note that you need to drink a minimum of 2 liters of water per day. The purpose of this diet is to change your metabolism, with the result that after this diet you can eat normally again. Please note that this is not a traditional crash diet, but a diet to change your metabolism digestion as it continuous working after 13 days. If the diet is followed in a strict manner, you should lose all excess body fat, between 9-20 kg. This diet must be followed for 13 days only-no longer and no less.
  • If during the 13 days you consume 1 beer, 1 glass of wine one piece of chewing gum or any extra food, you might as well stop diet because it becomes pointless and the diet will have no effect in this case, you may try again after 3 months.
  • If you have followed this diet perfectly for 13 days, you must not repeat it under any circumstances before 12 months have passed. It is recommended that this diet is repeated every 2 years if so required.
    • no cheating, not even slightly.
    • no chewing gum (even the sugar free types)
    • no alcohol: beer, wine, champagne, ciders, etc
    • no milk, sugar (exception of day 8!) Or honey are allowed.
    • you may use sweetener (aspartame free), lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, onions and salt and pepper for seasoning. No other spices or fresh herbs, no salad dressing (even if it's light)
    • ham can be substituted for lean beef (silverside)
    • no diet coldrinks allowed – only coffee for breakfast 7am – 12pm (lunch) the rest of the day you must drink water (lemon juice can be added)
    • salad consists only of lettuce & cucumber
    • no oil for cooking (even if it's extra virgin olive oil) spray & cook may be used.
    • this diet is set out the way it is to detox your metabolism and to give it a boost, if you change food in it there is no certainty that the diet will work the way it is suppose to.


 And here's a Different Version

(10 kg in Two Weeks!)

Very important: You cannot substitute any food! And you certainly cannot have any kind of alcohol or sweets. In other words, you eat only what is on the list and nothing more and you drink 2 liters of water every day!
Day 1
Breakfast: as much black coffee as you want
Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs and boiled spinach with little salt (you can have as much spinach as you want)
Dinner: 1 large grilled steak (beef) with lettuce and celery (as much lettuce and salary as you want)

Day 2
Breakfast: as much black coffee as you want
Lunch: 1 large grilled steak (beef),lettuce, and fruits (as much lettuce and fruits as you want)
Dinner: cooked ham, as much as you want

Day 3
Breakfast: as much black coffee as you want, one small roll of black bread or rye bread
Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs, lettuce, tomatoes (lettuce and tomatoes, as much as you want)
Dinner: cooked ham and lettuce (as much lettuce as you want)

Day 4
Breakfast: as much black coffee as you want, one small roll of black bread or rye bread
Lunch: 1 hard boiled egg, carrots of any kind, and Swiss cheese
Dinner: plain low fat yogurt and fruits

Day 5
Breakfast: as much black coffee as you want, raw carrots with lemon
Lunch: boiled white fish (or steamed), and as many tomatoes as you want
Dinner: 1 large grilled steak (beef) with lettuce (as much lettuce as you want)

Day 6
Breakfast: as much black coffee as you want, one small roll of black bread or rye bread
Lunch: grilled chicken, as much as you want
Dinner: 2 hard boiled eggs and as many carrots as you want

Day 7
Breakfast: Tea with lemon
Lunch: 1 grilled beef steak and any quantity of one kind of fruit
Dinner: anything as much as you want

When the seven days are over, you start over again

Posted by: lanelanechuyaengherea0251937.blogspot.com

Source: https://flypinions.wordpress.com/2016/04/08/13-day-metabolism-diet/

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